A samovar (Russian: самовар, literally "self-boiler") is a metal container used to heat and boil water. It has traditionally been used in and around Russia, as well as in other Central, South-Eastern and Eastern European countries, in Iran, Kashmir, Turkey and Hadhramawt, eastern Yemen. Since the heated water is usually used for making tea, some samovars have an attachment on the top of the lid to hold and heat a teapot filled with tea concentrate. Samovars are said to have been invented in Central Asia, though their origin is a matter of dispute. For example, some argue that it is purely a Russian invention given that the samovar appeared in Iran not later than the 18th century, and it bears the same Russian name samovar which translates to self-brewer. Though traditionally heated with coal or charcoal, today many newer samovars use electricity to boil the water. (Source: Wikipedia)
Antique Russian Samovar Teapot
(BidBrothers consignment item, 2005)