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Jeep Wrangler Popemobile

1:43 Scale Diecast Metal


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PDXBuys Blog:

Monday, December 26, 2011

San Francisco Dig Unearths Artifacts

San Francisco dig unearths artifacts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I recently received the following notice in the mail with an attached check:

Dear Class Member:

As described in the notice sent to you regarding Brice Yingling d/b/a Alamo Auto Sports and Andy Scott vs. eBay, Inc., Case No. C-09-01733 (the "Lawsuit"), via email and/or postcard in January 2011, below please find your pro rata distribution from the net Settlement Fund.  Payment was calculated based on Final Value Fees you paid between April 21, 2005 and August 26, 2009 (the "Class Period"), for non-store inventory format items sold in the parts and accessories categories on eBay Motors.  Additional details about the Lawsuit and the method of calculating your payment are available on the case website, www.ebaymotorsfeeclassaction.com.

The check I received was in the amount of four cents.  Not really worth the effort...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

MOONRAKER Skateboard Snowboard Film - Now on eBay!

A skateboarding-snowboarding DVD from Satellite Cinema - Skate Indie Film.
Skateboard and Snowboard related film from Satellite Boardshop in Boulder, CO.
Thrills, spills, and an awesome music soundrack.
(NEW Condition & Sealed)

Moonraker - Juvenile Delinquency (Sample clip)


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